Activities of FFBA

In recent years, more and more food-related companies are seeking to expand their sales channels overseas due to globalization and the shrinking domestic market in Japan.
Unfortunately, penetrating overseas markets can prove to be difficult for small and medium enterprises. For these companies, barriers can include limited assets, human resources, information, and so on.
To tackle these challenges, small and medium companies have united together with The Fukuoka City Government and established the FFBA to help Kyushu businesses not only penetrate the international market, but also to collaborate and develop sales channels together as a team.



FFBA holds monthly meeting to exchange information about international market, regulations and other updates.



Overseas sales tour

FFBA member companies create a delegation and visit companies overseas to carry out sales activities.

  • Hong Kong tour (Sep. 2013)

    Hong Kong tour

  • USA tour (Jan. 2014)

    USA tour

Participation in exbitions

FFBA participates domestic/ international food-related exhibitions together as a team to expand sales channels.

  • Food EXPO Kyushu (Oct, 2014)

    Food EXPO Kyushu

  • SIAL Paris 2014(Oct, 2014)

    SIAL Paris




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